Newgojoexpand 1110x623 jpg

Kyoto Shophouse Renovation

Mainland Japan / Kyoto
  • 55.59 sqm
  • 49.55 sqm

Koyanagi-cho, Kyoto, Kyoto 600-8322

Approximate additional renovation cost: 15-20m JPY

A rare opportunity to acquire a good-sized genuine Machiya in the heart of Gojo, downtown Kyoto, at a remarkably low price. Just a block away from Gojo-dori and its myriad of shops and restaurants and less than a 7-minute walk from the Gojo train station, the house is tucked away in a quiet but sunny alleyway.

The house itself is a genuine Heritage Machiya and has beautiful exposed timber beams and columns, as well as a larger-than-average ornamental garden. The renovation team at Heritage Homes stands ready to transform this unpolished gem into a beautiful jewel!

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