This large block is well-priced at with excellent price appreciation potential.
The neighbourhood is located halfway between Rusutsu and Niseko United, allowing easy access to both resorts as well as Niseko Town centre.
The block comes equipped city water, Hokuden electricity, & NTT fiber optic internet. The block is flat and rectangular giving a buyer the option to subdivide into two separate 100 tsubo plots lending to a variety of future development options.
The land is registered for both commercial and residential use, giving the buyer the option to build and operate a rental property generating income when not using the property themselves.
Reasonable snow clearing at 50k/season (only if you have a building) by a local contractor who will also clear your driveway for an optional 25k. No other costs.
The land is within the range of Kondo Shogakko School, a well-regarded elementary school very popular with locals. Several families are currently living in the subdivision, with the community growing every year.