Niseko Kondo House
Kondo, Niseko, Hokkaido 048-1542
This unique secluded, private 2LDK House is located in a quiet neighbourhood in the Niseko Kondo area, just minutes away from Niseko and Makkari Towns. This 3 floor, very solid and well maintained property with double car garage and direct entry from there to the upper floor is perfect for Niseko winters. With a sunny aspect and views of the Mt Konbu foothills and farm-forest land it is also well suited to Niseko’s summer lifestyle.
Located roughly half way between Niseko & Rusutsu resorts, either can be easily enjoyed and is just a short drive away.
With a very generous 873 tsubo / 2881 sqm of land and a highly usable house, this property offers a savvy investor lots of potential. For those interested there’s option to add even more land.
Do not miss this opportunity, please contact Izumikyo for full details or to arrange a tour.